Sunday, August 29, 2010

Aug 29

Our day started with breakfast at the clubhouse.  Pancakes and sausage for me and French toast and sausage for Ella.  I really enjoy these community breakfasts when we get a chance to visit with friends and meet new people (and eat!).  It's sad to think that there are only two of these events left this year.  Next Saturday we'll have "eggs to order" and then Sunday it will be pancakes and French toast again.  Jesus said that his father's house had many rooms.  I'm sure one of them is set up for communal meals.
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When we got to church this morning, we found our pastor walking with a crutch.  He had twisted his left ankle and shifted his weight to his right leg.  In the process, he tore a ligament in his right leg.  So his sermon for the day was delivered from a folding chair.  We had a special presentation from and for our Wednesday After School Program (UP Kids).  We also had special music from one of our members playing harmonicas.  Children's Bibles were presented to all the UP Kids.  Three of the kids who have been UP Kids members are now going to middle school and are too old for the program.  So, we are starting a middle school version of UP Kids.  These three received a Teenager's Study Bible.
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I was going to work on finishing the caulking project today.  But I took  a nap after dinner and will be going to work in about 45 minutes.  Maybe tomorrow.
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Speaking of tomorrow, we are planning to pick Annika and take her to IHOP as a going away meal. 
Also, tomorrow evening is the visitation for Lynn's mother.
We'll be starting the day with a leaving and ending it with a leaving.  Sure to be an emotional day.

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