Monday, September 12, 2011

September 12 2011

What a busy couple of days!
On Friday we went back to the RV dealer's and took more photographs of the new fifth-wheel.  We will not get to take it home for a while (well, they selfishly want to get their money first) and they have some prep work to do on it also.
I wanted to measure all the windows so that I can replace the venetian blinds with sun-blocking roller shades.  Since we are going to be spending winters under the Texas sun with non tinted windows, I want something that will actually keep the sun and heat out of the trailer.  Blinds just don't really accomplish that. Plus, they are terrible dust collectors.
Saturday afternoon, after Ella was off work, we went to some friends' fiftieth wedding anniversary.  We were only able to stay for a short time because we were going to our Saturday Praise Service.  We also needed to pick up some KFC for the pot luck after church.
On Sunday morning, Ella went to work and I went to church where I was liturgist.  From there I rushed home to change clothes and go to a meeting of the Activities Committee meeting at Cutty's Des Moines Camping Club.
The committee reviewed and evaluated the special events from this past camping season.  From there we decided what ones to repeat of reject for next year.  We also came up with some themes for weekends next year.  We sill meet later to flesh out the the ideas.
It was after three when I got home.  Ella had not eaten lunch either, so we made a quick sandwich and lay down to read/watch TV.
Somewhere in the last couple of days (I couldn't tell you when) we stopped at WalMart and had prints made from the pictures of the Hitch Hiker.  Late on Sunday evening, we visited with the Stones (Tom and Sue) and showed them the photos.  We stayed until it was time to go home and to bed.
Grandson N. called and asked if we could come early Monday to watch the girls and get them off to school.  This wasn't a regularly scheduled babysitting gig.  However, where the 'greats' are concerned, we can be somewhat flexible.
So we got C off to school as soon as she arrived at N's.  Now we are waiting until time to take L. to preschool.

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